R & D
Maestech has the facilities and expertise to remanufacture equipment to "zero defect" condition, and offers numerous upgrades and enhancements which are not available from OEM.
- MST-90
- MST-3000
Retrofit Enhanced for 3000 Series
- Utility Box 8CH for 3000
- Digital Heater Controller for 3000
- Turbo L/L Controller for 3000
Retrofit Enhanced for M2i
- APSC (DC Power Limit Interlock)
- RF InterLock Kit (RF Power Limit Interlock)
- RF Match Assistor (Phase, Magnitade Position Assistor)
- Monitor for M2i include T-SW
Retrofit Enhanced for Endura
- Detector of HTHU Heater Eliment status
- RF + DC Combiner Controller
Retrofit Enhanced for Endura
Detector of HTHU Heater Eliment status

Heater Element Burnout Detector
Action cylce : Time dealy, Signal delay
Output : LED(Inner, Outer), Buzzer, 24VDC, Relay
Controller Self-test function.
RF + DC Combiner Controller

RF / DC Combiner Contol
Each can be controlled ( RF / DC Power)
Remote / Local / Manual Mode. | Touch Screen